So as you can tell this isn’t my typical Wordless Wednesday post, I’m breaking the silence of Wednesday’s and doing a tribute to Chadwick on Cinnamon Video. It really puts into perspective how fragile human life is. We all preach that life is short and you never know what will happen so live each day to the fullest. But how many of us do, we think it can never happen to us, untill it does. My heart breaks for his family.

He truly created some amazing movies for us to enjoy for eternity, he will never be forgotten because he created art that will stand the test of time. I could only imagine how he battled cancer in secret while filming Black panther. On top of this he was going to children’s hospitals to visit the sick kids, what a truly amazing selfless man.

Never take life for granted and enjoy everyday.

Please have a look at my cinnamon video to honour Chadwick, The King 1976-2020