The last weeks weigh in was a little disappointing, I’m not going to lie. I felt really discouraged after the Christmas holidays for cheating just a little too much. The sweets really had the best of me. Now yes I understand that every one needs a cheat day, or week haha. But it’s really not good for my diet short term. Long term it really has no effect, actually, that’s not true if anything it would have a positive effect on my mental health. Being able to take a break from watching and counting what I eat. But from now on maybe I’ll keep it to just a one day cheat.

I think I did really well with my snacking this past week, maybe one too many dilly bars from Dairy Queen. Evening snacking though was really good, few slips but still kind of on holidays ... sooooo oh well 🤣 Really not much has changed on the diet front. When I start to incorporate more exercise that’s when I’m hoping things take off even more. I didn’t exersize other than the push up challenge that just ended. It was a fun challenge by Ferdi to finish of the last little bit of 2020.

So what’s new for this new year? I don’t believe in resolutions because, well they never seem to follow through. I’m sure with gyms locked down that will hurt there New Years resolution crowd from signing up and never going. Years back like 14 years, I used to go to the gym 4 days a week. It was always sad to see everyone pile into the gym for 4-6 weeks after January 1 and have these high hopes of getting in shape and changing there life. Weight loss is hard and it’s truly a mind set and a life change. So for this year for me my main focus is getting my house in order, literally. Finishing renovations up and getting my body in better shape as my body is my house and home to my spirit. The better shape I am in I think my spirit will be in better shape too.

Let’s update you maybe what’s going on in the life of Gord right now other than a diet. We started our upstairs bathroom Reno, tub removed and a new tile shower and floor going in. Along with a new countertop & sink. This has been keeping me busy over the last week and it’s almost complete now. Just a few days left and it should be complete. We had subway tile that was about 5 years old and needed to be tied into the shower tile. I couldn’t find a match, as all the ones I found were all the wrong tones of white. See the pic below with a few tiles I installed and then noticed the white tone difference. Now part of that can be aging as well, and we do have a gas stove which does yellow things a touch. This color difference would have drove me crazy, But next week I’ll show you how I fixed this little problem that arose.

Also another development is I started a beta test for flare finance, setting everything up has been a little bit of a learning curve for an old guy like myself but it’s going better than expected. Setting up MetaMask, adding the test network to MetaMask and checking flare scan for my FXRP was a difficult task for a noob. They chose all different skill levels for the beta, they wanted a real world experience by having a vast tech level of participants. Well I can say I am at the lower end of the tech level, forsure with out a doubt. If I can do it, anyone can do it. Out of 1-10 in tech related things.... I am a ZERO . I am also very thankful for this opportunity to do the beta and excited to give it my all.

I’ll be doing a blog on my findings after the beta is over which should last a few weeks. We are just getting set up now, so stay tuned. I’ve recognized a few other Twitter people in the Discord chat for the flare beta, it’s pretty cool to be involved in this and I’m very grateful for this learning process.

Check out this little Flare Finance introduction video put of by the FF team, I’m pretty excited for things to come and let’s be honest ETH fees are a killer.


If your a subscriber check out how this weeks weightloss story ends, if not skip your bagel today and sign up for Coil HERE. So many great creators to browse and you also get to check out Cinnamon Video !!

But as always, thank you for reading thus far ❤️

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