I was driving in to work this week and listening to my favourite radio station 102.3 Now Radio. In the morning are a pair of radio hosts, the Crash and Mars Show. You can check out there pod casts HERE . They have a third voice in the back ground “the ginge”.
The trio of Crash, Mars and the Ginge keeps me laughing everyday also they cover some interesting topics to get calls and texts, interaction if you will, by viewers. They have incredible chemistry which is why the show is such a success. The Ginge adds his touch of flare to the show that only he can do. This week one of the topics was what have you swam with? One lady phoned in and said something I couldn’t believe. She said when she was on holidays her family swam with the dolphins, her being pregnant could not go in while anyone else was in the water for fear the dolphins would protect her and possibly hurt the other swimmers. Dolphins can sense when a women is pregnant, so everyone had to leave the water before she went in and swam alone ? She said they would come up to her tummy and kiss it ?
True or false let’s dive into this.
The same way an ultrasound works is kind of what dolphins do in the water to navigate. Dolphins emit a high pitched sound and listen to its return echo, by doing this they can find shapes and navigate through their underwater world with ease. Ultrasound is the same premise, sounds not heard by the human ear are sent and received to create an image of the little baby growing. Also not all dolphins act this way to pregnant ladies, yep you guessed it, just the girls. The male dolphins make a run for the hills while females stay, scan and are very curious.
But is it possible that they know a women is carrying a baby?
In an article by Live Science they interviewed Lori Marino, a neuroscientist at Emory University in Atlanta who studies cetacean intelligence and this was her take on it.
I think it's extremely plausible [dolphins] would be able to detect a fetus. However, you'd have to really do a well-controlled study to make a definitive statement,” she cautioned.
Buzzing, a form of eco location that dolphins use. It’s more precise and zoned in to one specific area or they do it to contact or communicate with other dolphins. They swim up and sometimes physically touch the other object and buzz. Could this be the kissing that the reader on Crash and Mars show was talking about? When the dolphins swim up and put there snout on the bellies of women carrying a fetus. I guess it sounds like a squeaky door sound when heard. I’m sure we have all heard that sound before. There is something so cute about a baby dolphin👇🏻
Malcolm Nicolson, a history of medicine professor at the University of Glasgow in Scotland. Malcolm agreed that dolphins may be able to detect a woman's pregnancy. A dolphin might well be able to detect a difference in echo profiles or the pattern of sounds returned by echolocation. Dolphins might even have the ability to detect a fetal heartbeat in a woman. Not just sensing a baby, but they also might be able to get a mental image in there brain of the baby. But Nicolson, who wrote a book on the development of obstetric ultrasound, noted that this was only speculation. So I think it’s about time that a study is done on this matter. I think it’s entirely possible that dolphins are able to sense a fetus or pregnant woman.
Would dolphins protect the baby?
The lady on the Crash and Mars show said the dolphins would protect her, so no one else was allowed in the water at the same time. One article I found said that some people believe that dolphins will protect other mammals or the weakest one from predators. So it makes sense that, if the other dolphins perceive imminent danger then they would protect the weakest one, that being the pregnant lady. Although if any of you know any pregnant ladies, they are the toughest beings on planet earth. So maybe too many humans in the water at once would stress and scare the dolphins into protection mode. Also it said some believe that dolphins have the ability to heal mammals with there sonar or echo. Again nothing concrete, merely speculation.
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