IMMUNE SYSTEM (8 min read)

The human body really is incredible, the things that our bodies do on a daily basis is phenomenal. Most of the magic happens with out us knowing anything is going on. I run down the street and my mind tells my body what to do, it just knows. I don’t need to tell myself to blink or breath. The body just does it, something else that’s never seen or heard, never told what to do ..... The immune system, it protects your body from harmful substances, germs and cell that could make you ill. It is made up of various organs, cells and proteins.

Your immune system, when running smoothly, you don’t notice that it’s there protecting your body from attacks. But if it stops fighting because it’s weak or can't fight particularly aggressive germs, you get sick. Germs that your body has never encountered before are also likely to make you ill. Like chicken pox, some germs will only make you ill the first time you come into contact with them.

I dunno if this is true 👇🏻 But I like it 😊

When these germs known as antigens enter our bodies they attach to special receptors on the immune cells. This causes a whole series of events in the body, like a series of dominoes, a chain reaction starts and our body fights. Once the body has come into contact with a germ or vaccine for the first time, it stores information about the foreign material and how to fight it. When/if it comes into contact with the germ again, it recognizes the germ immediately and can start fighting right away.

So what happens if we no longer have contact with seasonal bugs and daily germs ? Does our body still have a good immune system or does this weaken our fighting anti bodies? In our new world masks and hand sanitizer are our new daily reality that we all face. I will always suggest washing your hands for 20 seconds over using a hand sanitizer, they are just so convenient to have. And right now masks are a must!

While research suggests our immune system is influenced by both the environment and exposures to germs. All this happens before we are born or during early childhood. As we grow up, our immune system grows up with us. At the age of 7-8 our immune system is full grown so to speak and the influences or germ contacts become less and less profound. Which means as adults our immune systems don’t naturally fluctuate too much. Obviously with diseases, yes it does.

The concerns over being too clean stem from a theory first introduced in the 1980s based on research that children who are kept in very clean environments have a higher rate of hay fever, asthma and a wide range of other conditions. The study was saying over all they had a lower immune system if they weren’t exposed to dirt and germs, which is found to be FALSE. So don’t worry that masks and all this sterilization will make us get sick easier, because it won’t. If that were true than doctors would be sick non stop and have the lowest immune systems of us all, with there work always in such a sterile environment.

Now yes, environment does play a role on a developing immune system in a infant or child but don’t worry about it. Use common sense, excessive cleanliness to the point of obsessive compulsion is probably not a good idea, that being said don’t let him build sand castles in the family cats litter box either.

In many articles I’ve read there is no magic pill or herb to boost your immune system. So many things claim to boost your immune system, so does that mean they are all lying just to get money ?? No that can’t be it ...... So the best way naturally is a good diet and rest are the best ways to keep your body at its peak. Don’t let your body become run down from lack of sleep or over worked. I say this to the kids all the time:

Do what I say, not what I do !

I am a bad example of this advice. But even though I rarely get a cold or get sick and I’m pretty hard on my body . I still have a high immune system. Thank you body, I will treat you better. But I do firmly believe a positive mind makes a happy body. Mind over matter so to speak, I really have a positive attitude and outlook on life. If your body and mind are run down you will be more likely to catch colds and flus.

If your a subscriber check out a little extra on hand sanitizer and how washing your hands with a good soap is the way to go. But if not a Coil subscriber, what are you waiting for skip your bagel today, try it for a month..... sign up for Coil HERE. So many great creators to browse and you also get to check out Cinnamon Video !!

But as always, thank you for reading ❤️

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