My original post- to boost or not to boast that is the question I discussed the boost and whether the amount you receive should be discussed and shared. Also brought up if that should be the reason someone should switch platforms and come to Coil. This post got a response from Derek Groen, he put out a very informative blog battle post entitled – the hidden sense of the coil boost program , check him out on Coil HERE and read his stuff , make sure to follow him to keep up to date on his blogs💪🏻... I loved his post and his views I very much mirror. The boost is great, it’s a great confidence builder a reason to push on and try to better yourself in the blogging aspect which I 1000% agree. But with one thing I don’t agree.

In Dereks post he said -

“Now, Boosted posters have little awareness of how other boosted posters perform, and there are no rankings of “most boosted posters”. This makes sense, because having such rankings would introduce competition between the different posters, and competition leads to pressure, which leads to anxiety, which leads to less blog posting and unhappier bloggers.

So the moral here is, irrespective of your opinion on the boost program is:

It's better for everyone involved not to compare your boost totals.”

Now I don’t mind competition, infact I welcome it. Competition lights fires under people and pushes them to new highs in there careers and personal growth but, with how the boost program is set up sharing boosted numbers creates jealousy amongst creators. That jealousy could stop people from supporting a blogger or creator.

For example-

Blogger A has been trying for a year to be boosted, blogger B has been blogging for 6 mths and is boosted & getting $1500 a mth. Blogger A, C, D, E, F, G, H aren’t getting paid and if they are being boosted its a fraction of that, they think “why is B getting so much, I’m just as good, I’m not reading his stuff anymore . Blogger B next month makes $900 .

Let me first say I am in no way blogger B, I wish 😂 maybe a year from now if I’m lucky. But this is why I say don’t share numbers I’m all for competition, but not when

Now let me talk about why you should switch to Coil for creating

1) Amazing platform and incredible technical support. If you have a problem they are eager to solve your issue and work tirelessly to keep you happy. I know this first hand and Travis is who I delt with and he was absolutely amazing.

2) Other creators are so helpful and welcoming. As a new blogger they go out of there way to encourage you and this does wonders for ones self confidence. Any questions and the Coil family on twitter jump to the task. Again I know this first hand.

3) Site monetization. You can add Coil to your web site, currently works if you run the Coil Extension in a supported desktop browser, or use the mobile Puma Browser app, which includes Web Monetization support and be paid in micro payments for traffic on your website, I mean, how freaking cool is that ?!?

4) With your $5 Coil membership you get access to Cinnamon Video Which is ad free , you support twitch steamers while you watch, support creators across the web, no tracking while browsing, all the exclusive content on Coil and Imgur Emerald access.

5) Maybe not a plus but come early to Coil and grow with the platform. Yes there are growing pains but, join the Coil platform and grow with them.

6)Yes there is a program called the boost, find out about it HERE . It’s a wonderful program that rewards creators monthly for there content. It might not be here for ever but it is right now.

So maybe what I should of said in my first post to boost or not to boast is-

Come for the Boost, stay for the family, because that’s what Coil is to me. There’s more to Coil than a boost.

If your a subscriber I thank you for supporting Coil and all of us but if your not a subscriber then skip your bagel today and sign up for Coil HERE . So many great creators to browse and you also get to check out Cinnamon Video !!


⬅️PREVIOUS BLOG – to Boost or Boast