ROAD BLOCK AHEAD (7 min read)

Well as always I’m crazy busy at work, crazy at home doing some renovations. Kids back to school, life is crazy !! So much going on and my creative mind has seemed to take an all inclusive holiday to Mexico and left me here to do the dirty work. While my mind is sipping margaritas, I’m here trying to put thoughts to text. I think of a story from my youth and get 300 words in and shelf it as I don’t like it. I don’t like the story. I don’t like the wording. I just don’t like it, really I’m not sure why but they just don’t seem worthy enough. Again, I have no idea why I think this because they are funny stories. I have a handful of blogs at the 250-300 word mark and none of them I feel I want to share, yet. Works in progress so to speak. I have a pass the blog story that really was going well but I’ve come to a road block on it aswell.

Ok, so after 6 months of blogs at a fairly consistent pace of 4-5 per week, this is my longest stretch (4 days) with out a post. I’m at a blog road block. Shop Saturday came and went and nothing. I have ideas but again I need to be alone for filiming. My mind won’t let me do it if anyone is with in ear shot. Damn stutter 🤬

I have an impassable mountain of jumbled up thoughts in my brain. Well what does any one do for answers when they don’t have them ? Easy, Google it of course?? Da......

I search all kind of blog topics, surely this will be the flint to my steel and get my fire burning. I mean the internet can diagnose any medical condition with 100% accuracy, why can’t it give me 1 blog idea 💡

So the search begins:

Well that was disappointing. Nothing came of that mind numbing hours of googling, still I sit and stare off into space and the clock ticks away. Have I dried up ? Is 140 stories my limit? Work is driving me crazy at the moment and that could be blocking my creative brain from waking up.


The creative brain and the effects of over working a creative mind. Working more, is not working smarter. Alex Soojung, in his radical book titled, Rest, jumped inside our minds, inside the creative mind. Working better means working less and resting more. As he describes the daily routines of Charles Darwin and Charles Dickens who both worked a maximum of five hours a day to allow plenty of time for rest and recharge.

The brain needs rest to be at its best, as does your body. To much pressure on the mind and body doesn’t speed up your productivity, it actually slows it down. Generation Z humans just jumped for joy at this 5 hours a day max work day. All the new age companies out there that let you rest when you want, are they really on to something ?? It truly sounds like they are..... But rest means just that, rest ! Not watching Netflix or searching the internet. Even where you’re staring into space, zoning out so to speak,our brain consumes only slightly less energy than it does when you’re working or problem solving. Another article I read said that, through rest and only rest new parts of our brains are switched on, so to speak, these parts are responsible for breaking down mental blocks and creatively thinking. We need to rest to ignite our creative mind.

How many times have you tried to think of a solution to a problem or remember who was in that movie or some other obscure thing. For the life of you, it just slips your memory. But then when your lying in bed about to fall asleep the answer floods into your brain.

Finding the road block impassable? This is not just for blogging but anything creative really. According to my research, one thing that works really well is doing anything creative in the early morning, our brains are restful and relaxed. Soojung describes another method and it is called Deep play. Deep play, is your subconscious mind keeps working in the back ground while you do a stimulating puzzle , crossword or other kind of game stimulating brain activity. It rests the creative part of the brain well keeping it powered on.

In a world where A.I and automation are supposedly making our lives easier. We are at a time in history that humans are working more than ever. Cell phones have given us 24/7 Availability.

Thank you for reading ❤️ Until the next one