Today I’m going to do a little floating shelf with a hidden hanging system called a French cleat. I’ve used the French cleat on so many projects I can’t count, from its origin on cabinetry to shelving and desks. It’s a great way to add tremendous strength to almost anything.

The French Cleat Although it is really difficult to say, many think the name originated in France in the 1800’s. French ship builders were building wooden ships, after the main ship structure was complete, interior details were built. Floor space was very precious on a ship so one detail was the French Cleat. Using strips of wood that were cut slightly angled, when hung horizontally, one on the wall the other on an object, these mighty wood strips allowed them to secure items on the walls to create room on the ships. French cleats were originally made of interlocking wood wedges and were mainly use in carpentry to hold an object securely in place on a wall surface, while being very strong and allowing for easy removal of the object was a real bonus. Now French Cleats have been named Z-Clips and are made from many differant materials.

I recently made some end tables for our bedrooms and a tv entertainment unit for my son Jakes room. Built all using the French Cleat. In one of them I did a cell phone wireless charger.

Have a look at my cinnamon video on the process of making a little French Cleat floating shelf 👇🏻