THANK YOU HAROLD ( 8 min read)
A man called Harold. First off I just gotta say I’ve never learned more from anyone, ever. PERIOD. I have more friends who are in there 60’s than any other age group, not just because I am older now but, I always have. I like older music, older cars , I’m old school as they say. Might be why Harold and I got along so well . Harold, He knew his stuff and was a great teacher. I was 20 years old and a second year apprentice, I had to go work with the new carpenter my company hired. Harold, 62 years old and grew up on a farm all his life. Tough as nails type. He only had one good eye because a riffle exploded while he was hunting deer but, that one eye didn’t miss any details at work, that’s forsure. He taught me so many tips and tricks over the 3 years I worked with him. I still pass these on to this day and other carpenters always say.....
“Oh my god, where did you learn that from”
He was a smart man and also had things you couldn’t teach, experience . Two things that can’t be taught to someone quickly, on the job training and experience. Many people in my years in the construction industry has shown me, you can be book smart and still be completely useless. I wanted to say a thank you to Harold, where ever he is now. Other than countless little job hacks, He also taught me my most important lesson. Work ethic, even when things are against you and it looks impossible. It’s not.
This one job we were doing forming for 16’ high concrete parkade walls. It was gruelling work, the mud from the spring rains was slowing packing on your boots and getting heavier with every step a guy took.
“Come on quit dog fucking!!”
he’d yell at me as he threw another 3/4” sheet of form plywood up like it was a feather. I’m dying, I’m cranky, My arms hurt, back hurts, very whinny and could cry at any moment. I hated my job so much at this point. But I held it in and did it, not well but I did it. Every time I look over, here is Harold running circles around me, who is the one that’s 62 ? Harold looks like the young buck and I look like I’m 62. Harold says “my grandma is faster then you” than it took for my head to think “holy shit, his grandma is alive ??” The clouds open up and it begins to rain. These glorious nimbus clouds that came in so fast and brought the rain, these B-E-A UTIFUL clouds were known as beer clouds. When it rained hard we normally stopped work and went for a few beers AND CALLED IT A DAY. I said “is it time to pack up Harold? It sure is raining hard , I’ll buy the first beer !” Harold smirked at me and said “nope, we have the pumper and concrete at 9 am tomorrow” he proceeds to say “grab your rain coat, we ain’t going anywhere till this is done” what ? Did he just say we gotta be done today ??? Omg no no ........
If you haven’t read that blog of mine, I’d suggest reading it ➡️, yes I Sttttttuter mother f@cker
I could not believe we have to stay and finish, I whined, moaned and bitched. Come on already, it’s slippery, I’m sliding around in the mud, trying to get out, praying to god to save me from this hell I was in. Hours passed and none of that praying saved me, well maybe it did in a different way because to this day if something has to be done, I get it done. Don’t care about how much work it is or many hours it is I GET IT DONE.
This quality is only associated to work, as at home I do not possess this skill. I’m not sure if it’s because I don’t get paid to work at home or the fact that I do it all day at work and am exhausted by the time I get home to do my own work ? I’ve had some projects on the go for years 😳 , we also bought a 40 year old home that needed LOTS of work and we are almost done thank god ! Lee is very patient and I’m very grateful everyday for my amazing wife ❤️
I think Harold ingrained in me a work ethic, I always had a high work ethic from playing hockey 6 days a week, practices at all hours and having a job. But Harold was the icing on the cake. The cherry to my double chocolate sundae, the icing on my freshly baked cinnamon buns. He gave me toughness, a toughness to my work ethic.
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Watch this short video to learn about XRP and what it’s used for. The video was created by Kieran Kelly he is allowing me to include it in all my blogs give him a follow on Twitter, show some love ❤️
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