THE F-WORD (8 min read)

My dad in grained into my mind that winning is a must. It never mattered what the “game” was, If it was a sport, job related, board games, cards, anything at all ... winning was key. You give it your all and you win. His go to line for all his encouragement and talks was,

While this is true, second is second place, only one person can hold first. And second is a hell of an accomplishment as well. Some times it’s not about winning, it’s about learning. I really like the acronym F.A.I.L- First Attempt In Learning. Keep learning, keep growing. If your not failing your not trying hard enough.

Wayne Gretzky left Edmonton Oilers organization in 1988, while his career was very lucrative he won 4 Stanley Cups. He was traded to L.A. In the summer of ‘88. Little did he know he’d never bring home that glorious prize again. Never did he win another championship, arguably the greatest player to ever lace up the skates was denied for 11 more years until he retired. But still he was the most humble, kind and collected man in sports. For someone who winning and record breaking came easy, ever since childhood he was winning everything, he never lost. But 1988-1999 he tried harder than the previous year to win. Determination was his middle name, he truly is the great one.

Everything is society is focused on winning, the winners and Champions. We don’t focus on the losses or how/why they lost. But losing teaches us valuable lessons, What does losing teach us?


Losing teaches us how it feels to be in someone’s shoes. We know the disappointment of coming so close only to be shut down from the first place prize. Some people try all there lives to win at their craft, they try to be recognized by all their peers as the CHAMPION! Only to be denied time and time again. Not winning teaches you to cope with loss, pick up the pieces and get back out there and kick some ass.

Losing teaches you to win

By losing we learn what not to do, what didn’t work and why. Anybody who is at the top of their field has a story of broken dreams and crushed hearts. Look at Gretzky, his dreams of another cup was just out of his grasp for over a decade. Getting beat down and having to fight your way back builds strength and character. This is an attribute that winners never get. They don’t know what it’s like to be in a losing situation, so when faced with it... well they crack and can’t handle the pressure.

One thing that separates someone who is successful in the long-term and the short-term is resilience. It’s the ability to fail, take chances, lose and learn from the failure to use it to empower the next opportunity or victory.

Did you know Dr Seuss was rejected by 27, yes TWENTY-SEVEN publishers before he got a book deal. Think of the rejection he faced and forged on. Publisher after publisher telling him books are shit and garbage. One of the most famous kids authors, dare I say one of the most famous authors period, was rejected and got back up and went to another publisher.

Where am I going with all this losing and winning stuff ? If your a subscriber check out how this story ends, if not skip your bagel today and sign up for Coil HERE. So many great creators to browse and you also get to check out Cinnamon Video !!

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