WHAT GRINDS MY GEARS # 2 (3 min read)

Road construction is out of control here, I feel like we have 2 seasons. WINTER AND CONSTRUCTION SEASON

I get that our construction season is short, so maybe they should spread some work out and work on separate parts of the city. All the manpower needs to spread out more, with construction season comes this 👇🏻

Nothing, I repeat NOTHING grinds my gears more than road construction with guys standing around, propped up by shovels. Watching 1 guy work, or watching a backhoe work. I understand that you need some one there to help expose lines carefully. So 1 guy and a backhoe, I’ll be generous and say 2 guys and a backhoe .... THAT’S IT

How about instead of holding signs saying slow down to all the drivers, how about WE, the drivers hold signs for you Mr/Mrs Construction worker

Maybe this is what you need, some encouragement or cheering you on? You didn’t get enough as a child maybe, or I know I’ve solved it !! We can get them trophies 🏆 so they all get one and feel loved and included.

or wait ... wait .... WAIT !!!

How about this! I’ll slow down when some actual work gets done FFS MOTHER F@CKER 🤬

This is an actual construction sign in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. I guess everyone was happy to be done the road work that ran long and over budget, even the workers.

Oh and Don’t even get me started on potholes 🤬🤬