Investing in digital assets , just started blogging about me , my life , ups and downs ... LIFE......
I did a post as to what the mind sees, this one is what your mind wants. Many probably don’t even know this but, your mind doesn’t want you to succeed, it’s the ultimate devil on your shoulder filling your head with negative thoughts, your mind tells you that it’s impossible. The minds of men and women have lost more battles than any war or invasion ever has. The battle with ones inner self, so how do we defeat this demon in our minds. If you figure out how, and If you do, you will be on your way to living up to your full potential, achieving your dreams and desires. The sooner you figure out, that the one thing stopping you in this world, is the one thing that has beaten many great people before you and I ever existed ..........
If everyone could conquer their mind, there would be no failure, everyone would succeed. There will always be negative people, with negative thoughts and negative lives... their demon has won and are lost to the power of positive thinking. That’s why this battle wagers on, seemingly to no end. The minds demon, sabotaging us at every turn when we try to step out of our comfort zone. While the positive mind, or some would say God, telling us to keep forging on, we are good enough, we can do this, keep going. The classic battle between good and evil played out daily in our minds.
Sadly in most cases the demon wins, crushing our spirits and dreams, the ambition we had gets crushed and stomped flat. Before schooling, as children, it seemed we had dreams as high as the sky. We could be anything we wanted and dreamed of it daily, we didn’t know how to achieve it yet but, we knew we wanted it. Failure wasn’t even and option. We soon learn that dreams are just that, dreams, we will never be the doctor, lawyer or astronaut that we dreamed of as children. But why is that, why can’t we ? Fight the devil on your shoulder, fight the demon in your head. Fill your mind with positive thoughts and fight for what you want. Your mind will make ups 1000 excuses why you can’t, well I’m telling you, YOU CAN. The only thing holding us back, is also the one thing we need to achieve our dreams, our mind. Our mind that once told us we can do it also tells us we can not ....
The person you are, is the person you have chosen to be. Don’t blame anyone, It’s no ones fault but your own, the life that you have. If you don’t like your life, well change it, find a new job, go back to school. Don’t let the demon make up excuses as to why you can’t do it. Find a way and do it, let the innocent child inside of you guide your way to your dreams. You have only one life to live, so live. No more excuses, it doesn’t matter how long it takes you. Keep moving forward, keep fighting for your dreams. Persistence and positive thoughts will get you to your goals. There’s a quote by Calvin Coolidge, it’s one of my favourite’s, it goes like this
Incase your wondering what omnipotent means, it means having unlimited power; able to do anything you desire.
Wage a war, a battle in your brain, good versus evil. Are you the passenger in your life, just along for the ride. Well stop, take the wheel and become the driver, steer to what you want. Realize the only thing stopping you, is YOU
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The Diesel engine roared, the smell of diesel fuel mixed with hydraulic fluid filled my nose in a way burnt toast does in the morning, not that pleasant of a smell. His name was Pipes, it even said it on his uniform. I was a punk kid doing garbage removal with a company called Laidlaw at the time. Laidlaw did garbage removal for the company my dad worked for and I was able to get a job pretty easy. I had no clue why they called this man pipes??? Pipes looked spitting image face wise to a guy named DJ Qualls crossed with Popeye . DJ is a actor that’s been in lots of movies , road trip is one of my favourites.
I soon realized he wasn’t pipes, more of a pipe. No not that kind, not the laying pipe kind. Minds are always in the gutter aren’t they? Well more like mine is.
I’m not even joking or exaggerating he had one arm that rivaled Arnold, it was massive. Veins shooting everywhere, his bicep budged like a swollen basketball. Pipes was a garbage man, a residential garbage man. For some strange reason he would only lift the garbage cans with one arm? Unless there was two cans to empty, them he used two arms. But 90% of the time he would pick it up, empty it in the hopper and slam it back down one handed. It was a sight to see. But why not change hands, get ripped on both sides of your body instead of just one. I’m not sure why he only used one arm? It was his right arm so maybe just right handed ? Pipes eventually left Laidlaw, Over the years I’ve always wondered what happened to him
This brings me to a story from my Laidlaw days, I could tell a story with out including the strange man pipes. Chris the portable toilet guy was on holidays so I got to do his job for a week. Great, sucking shit out of a plastic toilet, awesome I’m looking forward to it... NOT, before he left he said “don’t work to hard and make me look bad, I’ve spent years making the bosses think this is a hard job.” “Ok I won’t” I said. He continued to say “I mean it ! Work for about 5 hrs and then fuck the dog the rest, and if people offer to pay you cash to do a job, YOU DO IT !” Shocking as his request was, I said “no problem at all I can do that”
Yes your right ! This job was disgusting , here I was complaining about diesel fuel and hydraulic fluid .... give me that any day compared to a gross toilet that construction workers have been using for weeks, top that off It was in August, the hottest month of the year. The smell I can not describe. Imagine the worst thing you have had the pleasure to smell, add in your grossest public bathroom, maybe a stinky dog fart or two. That should get you close to the smell....
I was doing the toilet run for the day and a man came up to me and said “I have a outside toilet on my property, could you empty it and I’ll pay you $50 cash” well I didn’t have to think very hard on this one I said happily “sure I’ll follow you” so he jumped in his car and I drove my poop sucker down the road to his farm about 10 min away.
I get out and so does he, he walks over and try’s to stab me with some throwing star kind of thing?? Why I have no idea ? Did he want to steal my poop wagon ?? If he did, he could have it, I wouldn’t fight it 😂 . He caught me so off guard, I punched him and pushed him, ran to the truck, drove off in a cloud of dust and never looked back. I called into the office on my radio and they had me go to the RCMP to report it. They never found Stabby Mc Stabberson, or at least I don’t think so . Wtf did he want ? I will never know
Wow FIFTY BLOGS, I can’t believe it already, I want to say a big THANK YOU to everyone who followed my journey from the start and reads my blogs, likes my stuff and engages me on twitter. I love writing, I’m really enjoying it, meeting new friends having fun along the way !
Here’s to 50 more 🥂
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”Hi everyone” I say with a lump in my throat as I glance around at everyone sitting in a chair forming a circle. I’m so scared, not just of talking but, admitting my problem in front of so many people. “I’m Gord” I stammer. “HI GORD” everyone enthusiastically yells. “Ummm.... Hi, I have cuteness aggression and when I see a cute cat or dog I just want to squeeze it. Squeeze it till his/her head pops off.” I sadly admit to a room full of strangers. “US TOO, US TOO” the crowd chants as doors on the far end of the room open, dogs, cats, kittens and puppies coming running in the room everyone grabbing at them squeezing the fluffiness into submission .. and then I catch one for my very own to squeeze, cuddle and.............
So it is true !! Ok, lets dive deeper into this. Sometimes just acknowledging the cuteness of something isn’t enough, sometimes you just need to grab that thing and squeeze. Squeeze like there’s no tomorrow. Squeeze till that cute kitten head pops clear off his body, sorry I went to far there 🥺
A team from the University of California, Found that there is activity in the brains of people who feel overwhelmed by seeing a cute puppy , kitten or even a human baby!
In this study from the U of C, 54 adults ages 18-40, were fitted with a electrode fitted cap to measure brain waves. They were shown pictures of babies, animals, puppies and kittens. Some of these images were edited to look extra cute, if that’s possible. Cute aggression dimorphous emotions (CADE) are the emotions a person feels when an extremely positive experience creates a reaction that’s typically happened with a negative emotion, similar to squeezing something like a cat or dog or like wanting to eat the toes of a newborn baby.
Also the aggression is more prevalent against baby animals, than adult animals? But both are cute? Why does CADE happen more towards baby animals? Well research has found it’s cause they are cuter, our instinct to take care of something cute, protect something cute and smother that cute thing in love... sometime too much love, if there is such a thing ???
For example, how do you feel about this pic ?
How about this one ?
This one ?
If you want to eat them up , take a nibble or maybe give an abnormally long squeeze, then you too might be feeling the effects of cute aggression.
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Patty’s post today had me thinking of something I heard a few years back, her title was Ricky Business... did you catch that ? It said Ricky Business and should have read Risky Business. Our mind is anticipating the next words and already concluded that it was Risky Business. The phenomenon has been given the name Typoglycaemia, our brains don't just rely on what they see, also what we expect to see. There is another reason aswell. Why didn’t more people catch this? @theminduntangled caught it 😊
The reason we can still read what is on written is bcesuae it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are in, olny tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteers be in the rghit pclae!! AEWMOSE!! The rset can be a all mixed up and you can sitll raed it no porbelm. Vrey cool hey ! Who wloud hvae eevr touhhgt tihs was pssoilbe !!
The mind is very powerful, the human bodies work in mtsyreuios ways. Sometimes It just blows my mind
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Watch this short video to learn about XRP and what it’s used for. The video was created by Kieran Kelly he is allowing me to include it in all my blogs give him a follow on Twitter, show some love ❤️
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WHOA, WHOA ... slow yur roll Greta .... this was over 20 years ago, recycling wasn’t in the forefront of everyone’s mind like today. Im very glad recycling and reusing are in today’s world. Other than the way things are made today tv’s, appliances, electronics ect are all disposable after 5 year life IF you are lucky, but at least everything is recyclable I guess . So Shane brings a blue garbage can for each side of the job. People use it cause it helps Shane and his kids, I mean, why not they threw them out before. It wasn’t long before Shane was taking home three bags sometimes four bags a day, pop bottles, pop cans, water bottles ect. Anything recyclable he was taking it, He would buy us a pizza lunch once a month, pizza and pops, everyone loved that! So what’s wrong with that? Why not be Shane? The recycling isn’t the reason I say don’t be a Shane. After months of him taking all the pop bottles home he was spilling his beans one day. He said “my wife does it at her work too and between the two of us we take make $2300 a month off the pop bottles” everyone’s mouth dropped, you could see it in there face, everyone felt like they got screwed. Even though they willingly gave him the pop bottles EVERYONE was mad. I can take in pop bottles they thought.
There was a handful of us that were ok with it, me included. He supplied bags, took home the bottles, sorted, stored the bottles, hauled them all in for refund. It was like a second job, he worked hard for every penny. No one else would, so good for him I say. Now $2300 is a lot of money today for sure but 25 years ago it was way more. In 1997 I had a brand new house it was $110,000, my mortgage payment was $700 mth . So for $2300 he was getting his house and 2 cars paid. Probably even the house utility bills.
Now when I say don’t be a Shane, this is what I mean. He should have never told people what he was getting, they never clued in and assumed he got a few hundred a month. They gave him there pop cans worth penny’s and didn’t care. Then when it was found out it wasn’t penny’s at all, almost everyone took home there pop cans. Shane lost his almost $30,000 a year tax free money.
Don’t be a Shane, sometimes less is more.....
Sometimes you can talk to much .....
Sometimes, well, just shut the fuck up 🤣
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(5 min read
I was no where to be found, they were really starting to panic. By now all the neighbors were out looking for yours truly. My dad says
There was a creek that backed the houses across from our house, it would flood sometimes in the spring time and water levels could get quite high. After about 2 hours of searching for a 3yr old little Gordie, Well the decision had to be made, the decision to call the police.
“But before we do let’s check the house one more time” said my mom. She checks the basement again, like she did 4 other times. This time she notices a foot popped outside the big poof chair ! She goes over and moves the poof, over sized bean bag chair, and there I was sound asleep and safe. Well over the years I kept my ability to fall asleep fast and anywhere, when I was doing the grass maintenance ( blog here ) I wouldn’t sleep for a couple days. Maybe 6 hours out of 48-72 hrs. I’d pop in at my moms, I’d sit down on the couch, she would say “let me make you a sandwich” By the time she came back with my ham sandwich I would be snoring away 💤
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Watch this short video to learn about XRP and what it’s used for. The video was created by Kieran Kelly he is allowing me to include it in all my blogs give him a follow on Twitter, show some love ❤️
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If you are a coil subscriber have a look down below for one more funny story, and my middle name aswell ❤️
Macklemore has a song called the good old days, great lyrics and great song. If you haven’t heard it before than check it out 👇🏻
There’s not really a time period that I would look back at now and say “ Ahhh, the good old days. Sure I want my mom back, those were the good old days. When the boys were young and so little those were as well .... some moments of my past I miss and some good funny stories came from these moment from my past but, other than that I am living my good old days. RIGHT NOW ! I love my life and love my wife, she was and is the missing piece of my heart and soul. She just started on Coil give her a follow HERE , she’s a truly amazing writer and has one hell of a story to tell, do your self a favour and check her out! Truth is I always liked her and loved her family since forever so glad life ended up the way it did.... AND I have 2 great, healthy kids! On top of that friends and family are healthy. My sister, Tracy is doing good and happy. My oldest Nephew, Andrew is married with one child and Twins on the way. My youngest Nephew, Shawn and his Partner are doing very well. I’m so glad he found his person in life❤️
Life moves fast, really fast. For you younger readers, Reading this you won’t realize this until your talking about YOUR Good Old Days. You see I am living in MY good old days, time rushes by like the White water rapids of the Chilko River in British Columbia See above picture.
LIVE EACH DAY, TRULY LIVE .... Yes, hold on, hold on tight. Life is bumpy. Life is messy. Life is not perfect. Don’t sweat the small stuff and hold on But while you are holding on, love each day, stop and smell the flowers, appreciate the little things. It’s your life to live, live your best life. If you focus on negative things that have happened, people your feuding with, why didn’t I get that job ect, then you will attract negativity in your life. Be positive ❤️
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Watch this short video to learn about XRP and what it’s used for. The video was created by Kieran Kelly he is allowing me to include it in all my blogs give him a follow on Twitter, show some love ❤️
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I hope this comes across the way I mean it too. Yes I am white, that does not mean I condone anything that goes on with respect to racism and what’s going on right now. Believe me I am on the side of the public, in no way do I condone what happened to George Floyd, it makes me SO FUCKING MAD I hope Derek Chauvin rots in jail, maybe becomes a prison bitch to a few good men. I am white and I am a male. Sadly I already have it better than most of the people because I am white. White privilege is not right and it is real and does exist, I wish it didn’t but it does. I am literally terrified of police, I was terrorized by police as a teenager and young adult. I Was pulled over, searched multiple times, detained ect .... Currently to this day if a police car is behind me I click my signal light on and turn. If the cop turns, I turn again. I am terrified, I get sick, sometime throw up. I’m sure I have PTSD . My family can attest to this first hand. Now everything I’ve went through is 1% what other races, nationally’s or cultures have gone through. They have my sympathy and my heart in this matter. I can not begin to think what they have been through in their lives, I’ve never been in their shoes so I DON’T , YOU DONT KNOW !
Killer mike says it perfectly❤️❤️❤️ Please listen to him .
Chauvin, I will not call him officer Chauvin because he is not an officer. He’s a piece of shit, lower than a piece of shit. He murdered a man while being video taped and his friends watched . He better be jailed for life and his cop buddies better be prosecuted as well, not like the Rodney King bullshit, all the police got off. The King footage speaks for itself, Or so I thought! Or so all of us thought!! We all watched the video of the March 3rd, 1991, beating of motorist Rodney King by Los Angeles police officers. I would have thought it was an open and shut case. A home run. A slam dunk. The US justice system better not FUCK up like they did back then, if there was the death penalty I say Chauvin should get it. This image makes me sick. All these cops and they all watch it happen. Your just as guilty if you allow it to happen.
There are bad cops, there are good cops , I know there are ..... although I haven’t seen any good ones, sorry officers but I haven’t. All I’ve seen is testosterone filled, ego tripping, head swelling assholes with a badge. But that does not mean I disrespect them when I get pulled over. I always am polite and courteous to them, I know they can make my life hell.
Burning your country down to the ground does not solve anything. Burning your neighborhoods , trashing your city’s, hurting your neighbors. I do hope things get under control Quickly. Once respect is lost, which it clearly already has been lost, it’s a slippery slope down. When police fear for their lives, fear for their safety then you have trigger happy police running around that are scared they will be beaten and killed. This will add fuel to the fire, it won’t end well.
Chauvin killed a man. Let’s not lose sight that evil killed George Floyd. Chauvin isn’t worth my time or thoughts. I pray for George and his family
You can be against bad cops, corruption and murder, with out burning cities to the ground. How is this productive behaviour?
Be safe out there ❤️
Thank you for reading❤️and god bless.
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