
Investing in digital assets , just started blogging about me , my life , ups and downs ... LIFE......

My original post- to boost or not to boast that is the question I discussed the boost and whether the amount you receive should be discussed and shared. Also brought up if that should be the reason someone should switch platforms and come to Coil. This post got a response from Derek Groen, he put out a very informative blog battle post entitled – the hidden sense of the coil boost program , check him out on Coil HERE and read his stuff , make sure to follow him to keep up to date on his blogs💪🏻... I loved his post and his views I very much mirror. The boost is great, it’s a great confidence builder a reason to push on and try to better yourself in the blogging aspect which I 1000% agree. But with one thing I don’t agree.

In Dereks post he said -

“Now, Boosted posters have little awareness of how other boosted posters perform, and there are no rankings of “most boosted posters”. This makes sense, because having such rankings would introduce competition between the different posters, and competition leads to pressure, which leads to anxiety, which leads to less blog posting and unhappier bloggers.

So the moral here is, irrespective of your opinion on the boost program is:

It's better for everyone involved not to compare your boost totals.”

Now I don’t mind competition, infact I welcome it. Competition lights fires under people and pushes them to new highs in there careers and personal growth but, with how the boost program is set up sharing boosted numbers creates jealousy amongst creators. That jealousy could stop people from supporting a blogger or creator.

For example-

Blogger A has been trying for a year to be boosted, blogger B has been blogging for 6 mths and is boosted & getting $1500 a mth. Blogger A, C, D, E, F, G, H aren’t getting paid and if they are being boosted its a fraction of that, they think “why is B getting so much, I’m just as good, I’m not reading his stuff anymore . Blogger B next month makes $900 .

Let me first say I am in no way blogger B, I wish 😂 maybe a year from now if I’m lucky. But this is why I say don’t share numbers I’m all for competition, but not when

Now let me talk about why you should switch to Coil for creating

1) Amazing platform and incredible technical support. If you have a problem they are eager to solve your issue and work tirelessly to keep you happy. I know this first hand and Travis is who I delt with and he was absolutely amazing.

2) Other creators are so helpful and welcoming. As a new blogger they go out of there way to encourage you and this does wonders for ones self confidence. Any questions and the Coil family on twitter jump to the task. Again I know this first hand.

3) Site monetization. You can add Coil to your web site, currently works if you run the Coil Extension in a supported desktop browser, or use the mobile Puma Browser app, which includes Web Monetization support and be paid in micro payments for traffic on your website, I mean, how freaking cool is that ?!?

4) With your $5 Coil membership you get access to Cinnamon Video Which is ad free , you support twitch steamers while you watch, support creators across the web, no tracking while browsing, all the exclusive content on Coil and Imgur Emerald access.

5) Maybe not a plus but come early to Coil and grow with the platform. Yes there are growing pains but, join the Coil platform and grow with them.

6)Yes there is a program called the boost, find out about it HERE . It’s a wonderful program that rewards creators monthly for there content. It might not be here for ever but it is right now.

So maybe what I should of said in my first post to boost or not to boast is-

Come for the Boost, stay for the family, because that’s what Coil is to me. There’s more to Coil than a boost.

If your a subscriber I thank you for supporting Coil and all of us but if your not a subscriber then skip your bagel today and sign up for Coil HERE . So many great creators to browse and you also get to check out Cinnamon Video !!


⬅️PREVIOUS BLOG – to Boost or Boast


Coil is an amazing platform it has giving me my voice. A voice that I’ve never had being that I’m a stutter and shy. Until you get to know me and realize I’m not shy, I just don’t like talking unless I have something to say. I can never express into words what Coil has given me. I am eternally grateful to them, I’m expecting great things from this little beta Coil. The future is brite 😎 There is kind of an elephant in the room, so let’s talk about the boost a bit

When I first started to write it was because I wanted to. I’ve never been a good writer at all. But I thought why not? And I found a very welcoming Coil community to my writing. It was, and still is a shock to my soul, it warmed my heart and still does how everyone is so helpful. I was reading everyone’s Coil posts for months before I started to write. I’d read and upvote daily and I really enjoyed myself in doing so. Then one night I decided to write, I decided to write because I wanted to. I never heard of the boost program until someone brought it to my attention and said I should apply, my initial thought was ya right? I’ll never get picked But then a miracle happened and I was. I’m very grateful to Coil for boosting me.

The boost program is a about a year old now, check out the post from Coil on June 14 2019👇🏻


In my own opinion Coil needs natural growth, it doesn’t need artificial growth or influenced growth. Natural growth will stand the test of time, influenced growth will most likely stop when the influence is taken away. Influenced growth is great but needs to be taken over by another influence to keep the growth.

For example – if I found a 100 people and told them to leave there current employer, come work for me and sell news papers and I’ll pay them $100 an hour do so. How many would leave and come to me ? I have a great company, support is awesome from all the other people, friendly place, truly an awesome place to work. Probably pretty close to 100 People but, we will say 90 will come to my company for 10% are really loyal to the previous company .... 2 years goes by and I tell them sorry can’t pay you $100 an hour any more. But here’s $3 an hour. Still an amazing place to work awesome people ect but How many will leave once their pay is cut to almost nothing? I think you and I both know the answer.. probably close to all the people. Again some loyal people will stay.

Coil has so much more to offer than a boost. That’s all I’m saying. If people come to Coil for the boost, what’s going to happen when/if the boost is gone. It is supposed to be temporary to attract new premium content. So if the boost goes away what will happen ? People who came for the boost will most likely leave.

I will still be here ? Will you ?

Coil is a baby in its beginning of life, Coil is still crawling and not talking. Very soon this baby Coil will be a toddler and running around while talking up a storm. I get that we are in the baby step mode of discovery, big things will be coming for Coil and I expect great success for them and all of us

DONT BE A SHANE , what does this mean ? Check out a past blog of mine about a friend of mine named Shane. https://coil.com/p/XRPGORD/DON-T-BE-A-SHANE-5-min-read-/Xh39hv8m6

Speaking of Coil and support. If your a subscriber check out how this story ends, if not skip your bagel today and sign up for Coil HERE . So many great creators to browse and you also get to check out Cinnamon Video !!



Road construction is out of control here, I feel like we have 2 seasons. WINTER AND CONSTRUCTION SEASON

I get that our construction season is short, so maybe they should spread some work out and work on separate parts of the city. All the manpower needs to spread out more, with construction season comes this 👇🏻

Nothing, I repeat NOTHING grinds my gears more than road construction with guys standing around, propped up by shovels. Watching 1 guy work, or watching a backhoe work. I understand that you need some one there to help expose lines carefully. So 1 guy and a backhoe, I’ll be generous and say 2 guys and a backhoe .... THAT’S IT

How about instead of holding signs saying slow down to all the drivers, how about WE, the drivers hold signs for you Mr/Mrs Construction worker

Maybe this is what you need, some encouragement or cheering you on? You didn’t get enough as a child maybe, or I know I’ve solved it !! We can get them trophies 🏆 so they all get one and feel loved and included.

or wait ... wait .... WAIT !!!

How about this! I’ll slow down when some actual work gets done FFS MOTHER F@CKER 🤬

This is an actual construction sign in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. I guess everyone was happy to be done the road work that ran long and over budget, even the workers.

Oh and Don’t even get me started on potholes 🤬🤬






I was on twitter last night and @XRPeuphoria , Andrew, popped up with a sign up link to a crypto domain site. Unstoppable domains was the link, I researched a bit and it sounds pretty cool I used his link to get me a domain 👏🏻👏🏻😎

I’ve got my domain name, do you ? Mine is xrpgord.crypto, to send crypto all you need is my name xrpgord.crypto. That’s it, no need for a number and letter combo address so long that you could miss type 1 letter or number and your money is GONE ! Not to mention a tag to remember. You don’t even have to say what crypto you are paying me with. It’s pretty cool, it’s the future, get on board. Unstoppable domains seems exactly that, unstoppable!! Watch this video to find out more 👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻


Another plus is my domain name is on the blockchain, completely decentralized and can not be taken down. So if I do a website, that will be decentralized and 100 % mine. The only person that can take it down is me, completely uncensored and free for me to use forever after I buy the domain name. Lots cost just $40, mine was $80 . I tried to get gords.crypto, it was available but was $800.

After I got my breathing under control from the $800 scare ! I tried xrpgord and it was $80 and I snagged it up 💪🏻 Here’s some more info on it 👇🏻

Set up looks pretty easy 👇🏻



Check out unstoppable on twitter at 👇🏻👇🏻https://twitter.com/unstoppableweb

Credit : Header image and videos are from unstoppabledomains.com

Thank you for reading ❤️




The dog days of summer. We have all heard this expression before, well at least most of us, I think? My youngest, Griff used to love the Diary of a wimpy kid series of books. There was a book called dog days and a movie. All the movies were really well done and a laugh for all ages. I suggest you check out both the books and the movies 🎥

My Mom would tell me when I was just young that it meant the hot days of summer, so hot it’s not fit for a dog. She would proceed to say the dog days of summer are from July 3 – August 11. But my mom was half right. She was wrong on where the name came from but, she was right on the dates.

Well to find where the name came from we have to go up, way up into the stars. The star Sirius is at its brightest in the night sky during the period from July3 – August 11. Coincidentally the sun is occupying the same section of sky at that time. Sirius acquires it’s name from the Greek word Σείριος Seirios “glowing” or “scorching”. And on July 23 this star is at its absolute brightest. The Romans actually thought because it was so bright that the star was giving off heat, accounting for the abnormally hot weather during this time frame.

Sirius is the brightest star in the solar system, you can see it from any place on earth. It’s part of the constellation Canis Major known as the Greater Dog. This is why Sirius is sometimes called the Dog Star. Hence where the name dog days of summer came from. But why is it so hot during this time frame? I wondered if there was truth to the Roman’s ideas that the star was giving off heat? Well maybe not heat but, radiation maybe? NOPE this was not true.

The reason it’s so hot is because of the earths tilt during that period. The angle allows for more direct placement of the suns rays. Add to that the days are at their longest. The 20 days before and 20 days after July 23 are the Dog Days, you have long, scorching hot days called the dog days of summer.

The dog days of summer will start in just a few short days. We all enjoy it. Be sure to wear sunscreen as you will burn really easy during this portion of summer. Don’t forget about keeping your furry friend cool in the summer heat🌞 I hope you enjoy the subscriber section today.

Do you suffer from cuteness aggression? Find out in one of my past blogs https://coil.com/p/XRPGORD/CUTENESS-AGGRESSION-4-min-read-/f4daoj2Sk

If your a subscriber check out how this story ends, if not skip your bagel today and sign up for Coil HERE . So many great creators to browse and you also get to check out Cinnamon Video !!

Either way as always, thank you for reading ❤️


Success can be a very strange journey, your journey can not be compared to someone else’s, this goes for goals aswell. Goals are tailored to an individual’s desire’s. Setting goals or mile stones will help you achieve little victories along the way to success. While one persons path to success could be more of a straight path, some one else’s could be a bumpy, pothole filled winding road. If I were to answer what success is to me, I would say doing what you love. Now on the other hand if you ask my dog, Charlie, what success is to him he would say belly rubs and naps on the couch. Come to think of it, maybe Charlie and I share some of the same goals 🧐 When you talk with others about success, they might think to them selves that you are already successful. Well the goal of succeeding is an ever changing target, in your twenties it’s finding the perfect apartment. While in your 50’s it could be getting that promotion at work or maybe your retirement?

Some where in the world a gentleman looks out of his house to see a mountain view, with deer grazing in the front yard and dreams of having an apartment close to Central Park. While the lady in Central Park dreams of a mountain view cabin. Success is all relative.

So you want to achieve success? Do you ? Well let’s talk about getting on the path. If you were lost in a mountain forest, success would be finding your way out. You would not wander across the grain, looking in the strangest places to find a way out. You would find your path and follow it. Having a passion for something helps you stay on the path.

Find your passion and stay on the path. Generalized success is what most people would hope for, while I’m saying stay focused and stay on your path. There’s an old saying in the construction industry. Don’t be a jack.

“A Jack of all trades is a master of none.”

I have a friend who tried to do it all, kitchens, bathrooms, tiles, additions, siding, basements ect. He was only successful when he focused in on one aspect. Decks, that’s all he does now. He is now a master of decks.

Going all in on your ideas, all in on your passion is the only way to succeed. Sure you could test the waters and do a little toe dipping, but the only way to truly succeed is to jump in. Some would say you would fail by going all in? Well sure you might but what is failure? Failure is learning, Some of the greatest lessons I’ve learnt are from failing. If you learn from something then you haven’t failed. Working on your goal a day a week won’t get you there very fast. One day a week for 3 years would be 150 days, you could achieve the same in 5 mths working full time on something. Even sooner because your focused everyday on the same task. Going all in makes you fight harder for it. You now have skin in the game, you have something to lose.

Set realistic goals and work towards them

Saying I want to run a 15 km marathon in 2weeks isn’t realistic. But if I set goals to do 1 km runs, then 2 km, then 5 km and so on. Those minor goals are achievable, making the impossible 15 km marathon also achievable as a major goal.

Dreams are just unrealized goals, dreams do come true. But it’s up you.

In times like these it’s finding toilet paper and hand sanitizer

If your a subscriber check out how this story ends and the NUMBER 1 thing on how to be successful, if not skip your bagel today and sign up for Coil HERE . So many great creators to browse and you also get to check out Cinnamon Video !

Thank you so much for reading ! ❤️


Today on Coil I’m going to share my wedding vows that I wrote for Lee. I truly am the lucky one, truth is I’ve always loved Lee. I even thought of asking her out in High School but, one of my friends asked her out first so I backed off. When I have a bad day or things just not going how I’d hoped at work, she can always make me laugh and smile. She brightens the day for so many people at work, day in and day out. She has an incredible heart and soul. I’m sad that I’ve missed out on many decades with this gorgeous women by my side. But things happen for a reason and it all worked out in the end. I’ve vowed to never let her go and I never will.

I have a bad stutter sometimes, if you missed it check out ➡️ Yes I ssssstuter Mother f@cker most times I can control it pretty well. But on this day, our wedding day, I was really bad. I pushed on and made it through but, it was not easy.

I read these out loud to lee last night, I couldn’t even make it through without crying 😢

So If your a subscriber check out my wedding vows to my wife, if your not a subscriber skip your bagel today and sign up for Coil HERE . So many great creators to browse and you also get to check out Cinnamon Video !!


n my way home from work I stopped in for a few drinks at my local watering hole. Well a few drinks led to a lot of drinks. Gary a guy I haven’t seen in probably 6 months came in, he kept on saying the age old excuse “come on I haven’t seen you in forever, have one more” so we kept drinking. While the hours flew by, it was now 9:00 pm, I was ready to cab it home. Gary in his wisdom says “let’s go to Oil City for a few drinks, a friend is there right now ” so I agree. Oil City is a night club down town on Jasper ave, a hot spot at one time. I reach for my wallet and I don’t have it, I check the truck and it’s not there ?? I must of left it at home. Jamie, the pub owner says “no problem man catch me next time your in” so that worked out good. “ thanks man, will do” I tell Jamie.

🎶🎶 I whistled for a cab and when it came near. The license plate said 'Fresh' and it had dice in the mirror. If anything I could say that this cab was Shity. But I thought “Nah, forget it, yo, Holmes, to Oil City ! 🎶🎶

So we go to Oil City, on the way there in the cab I tell Gary I don’t think I’ll be allowed in? I have paint on my clothes, pretty grubby looking and really not looking like the Oil City crowd. Gary says “oh don’t worry man they will let you in” I’m still unsure but I nod in agreement. I tell him I don’t have my wallet so he has to buy my drinks and I’ll pay him back. He agreed and we get out of the cab and go to the door, the bouncer takes one look at me and chuckles “you ain’t coming man” while pointing at me. I say fast witted “what? these are designer jeans man?” Well he didn’t buy it, Gary says “hold on I’ll go inside for a couple drinks and then we can go” seems fair and we did come all this way so I agreed. I’d wait outside while he has a few drinks, it’s 9:30 and Gary goes in side “30 minutes I yelled at him”

I sit down on the park bench and wait, some people walk by and throw change at my feet. I pause and think why would they do that? They really must of dropped it, I really couldn’t figure it out. Also at this point I’m sure I smell like a brewery, another guy walks by and gives me a $5 bill? Wtf? Why do I keep getting money? I look at my phone and it’s already 10:15. Where is he I keep thinking to my self. It’s the end of September and I don’t have a jacket. It’s getting cold out.

So he still hasn’t come outside, I pull out my phone to text him again and it dies. GREAT, I’m on Jasper Ave in Edmonton, no wallet, no phone , no ID. Then a light bulb goes off, people are throwing change at me because they think I’m homeless. I look further down my 16 foot bench and 3 other guys are there to with there hats turned over collecting change and bills. Well, in the next hours, yes I said hours, it’s now midnight. I shuffle down and start talking to my new found friends, just small talk. They tell me they live over on 102st behind the tracks, they get enough money for McDonald’s and a little beer. They offer me a beer, I accept. Drinking beer with my new found buddies. They sure had interesting stories. We would all look up and say thank you to the people giving us change. Then go back to drinking our beer and gossip. By now I have a blanket on me from one of them, so I’m warm and drinking a ice cold beer. This is a damn good Saturday night I thought.

The one guy says it’s now 1:00am, god damn it where is Gary! But really I’m kind of enjoying this so I’d rather be here than in that crappy night club. Out comes a guy from the bar and starts yelling at us ........

If your a subscriber check out how this story ends, if not skip your bagel today and sign up for Coil HERE . So many great creators to browse and you also get to check out Cinnamon Video !!

But as always, thank you for reading ❤️

Oh WOW.... What the 😳? Oh look my buttons are now outside the subscriber sections. Enjoy em 😊❤️