He’s probably looking for the mouse 🐁
Investing in digital assets , just started blogging about me , my life , ups and downs ... LIFE......
He’s probably looking for the mouse 🐁
Decisions .... Decisions ..... Decisions!! So many choices but you don’t just have to pick one ..... there is so many things to occupy our day. Some of us we sit in front of a computer daily at work. Some of us sit in front of one at home too and then almost all of us have our cellphones in our hands at this exact moment.
By the time we get home from work, make dinner, clean up from making dinner, feed dogs, walk dogs, do home work, play games, maybe watch a tv show or movie... not to mention all the other daily tasks I've not mentioned. How much of your day can you give to a guy or girl blogging on Coil, YouTube, Mg social , Gfam or any other social media platform for that matter. So many incredible bloggers and writers to follow and then there’s me an English 30 failure who struggles at writing but started a blog 6 mths ago. Sometimes there’s not enough time in the day to support the people I love reading and watching but I always try to catch up 😊
Self promotion, we all self promote. We are our biggest advocate. Posting on multiple social media sites, telling friends and family to ⬇️⬇️⬇️CHECK US OUT⬇️⬇️⬇️ In hopes of gaining some readers from it. But how do we self promote ? What’s a good idea to self promote? So many options but what will work ? One person who you definitely need to check out for her Coil blogs is Riley Quin. She has blog after blog about Coil and tips tricks and ideas to increase readers .
Truth is not a damn thing, either you want to check out my stuff or you don’t. I can’t hold a gun to your head and make you read .... or
No I can’t do that ... You enjoy my writting style or you don’t. I feel I’ve done some great posts, well pretty good posts, with some great spots. I really love all the engagement on Twitter and recently embraced a new home with cinnamon video as well. But there is no forcing anyone. True I can’t force anyone but, I can do things to increase my odds. Can’t force you but can sway Lady Luck in my favour.
By giving my blog a face, a personality and life story’s that are quite crazy in nature and 100% true. From how Lee and I ended up together to our wedding to burning my hand in a fire to the time I was homeless to cutting a finger off ..... not to mention other random topics that seemingly have no order ... that’s because there isn’t an order, I write about anything and everything, even what the mind wants . Nothing I feel is off limits. By giving my blog a face, with real life stories and lessons. I feel it connects with readers. There for, maybe, just maybe they would want to see what is new today in XRPGORD’s world today??
🔹Has he cut anymore fingers off ?
🔹Anymore crazy stories from his youth ?
🔹 Construction posts to read ?
🔹 Animal life and cute stories ?
Or they really don’t give two shits what I’m up too 😂 and I’m ok with that too 🙏🏼
@burntends – John did an awesome post on log lines. Check it out forsure, it got me thinking what would my 30 word pitch be if I was trying to sell myself, wait that didn’t come out right. What would my pitch be if I was trying to promote my self to a new reader? Not a movie pitch but if my Coil blogs were the movie script trying to get a second look. I’ve thought about this and it’s very hard to do and do it well. Really if you think about it every Twitter post is like a log line, will people stop and read it or scroll right by. Will they click the link to read my blogs or keep on rolling rolling rolling on by my Twitter like limp biscuit
Don’t roll on by, subscribe to Coil today. Skip all the ad’s of traditional sites and suport the people you love. If your a subscriber check out some of my log lines and an idea I have for advertising campaign but if your not a subscriber skip your bagel today and sign up for Coil HERE. Only $5 a month, So many great creators to browse and you also get to check out Cinnamon Video !!
Today I’m going to do a little floating shelf with a hidden hanging system called a French cleat. I’ve used the French cleat on so many projects I can’t count, from its origin on cabinetry to shelving and desks. It’s a great way to add tremendous strength to almost anything.
The French Cleat Although it is really difficult to say, many think the name originated in France in the 1800’s. French ship builders were building wooden ships, after the main ship structure was complete, interior details were built. Floor space was very precious on a ship so one detail was the French Cleat. Using strips of wood that were cut slightly angled, when hung horizontally, one on the wall the other on an object, these mighty wood strips allowed them to secure items on the walls to create room on the ships. French cleats were originally made of interlocking wood wedges and were mainly use in carpentry to hold an object securely in place on a wall surface, while being very strong and allowing for easy removal of the object was a real bonus. Now French Cleats have been named Z-Clips and are made from many differant materials.
I recently made some end tables for our bedrooms and a tv entertainment unit for my son Jakes room. Built all using the French Cleat. In one of them I did a cell phone wireless charger.
Have a look at my cinnamon video on the process of making a little French Cleat floating shelf 👇🏻
How long do we have? How long do I have ?? Would you want to know? If you could, would you want to know how long you have to live? To find out your expiration date so to speak. Speaking entirely for myself, I would love to know. I would want to know the exact second that it happens, not to cheat my way out of it but to embrace it. Live my life to the fullest untill that very second. I’ve had people say to me:
It teaches us many things about loss. About losing loved ones and friends. Sometimes I wonder if that’s why animals don’t live long. We learn to deal with multiple losses from the passing of our beloved family pets. Not that it’s the same kind of loss but gives the heart the same pain reception.
So why would I want to know ? Well let me tell you, I don’t want the suddenness of death. By that I mean, leave the house on a regular Tuesday, go through Tim Hortons for coffee and hot chocolate. Drop the kids off at school and go to work. But on this day maybe I’m in a bad crash, have a heart attack or deadly stroke. I don’t get the chance to tell Lee and the boys that they have changed my life and our little family means the world to me. I won’t get to talk to my sister or my nephews and tell them I’m so proud of everything they have accomplished and it’s just the beginning for them. I won’t get to tell people good bye, or what they mean to me good or bad, there are a few people I’d love to say “I’m dying tomorrow and just so you know, I never liked you.” I wouldn’t get to sit down with my closest friends and have drinks at our bar while I shoot the shit one last time and relive the stories of our youth.
My mom passed away from cancer almost a decade ago on Oct 27 2011. God needed her back home, her work here was done. I’ve never thought much about death until my mom passed. I lost the only grandpa (bumpy as we called him) that I’ve ever known when I was 5 and my grandma when I was 9, other than that I’ve had no loss until my mom. She was a mom, a grandma, a daughter and a sister, the strongest women I have known, She accepted what was to come, there was no escaping it. No running from it or eluding the inevitable. But she did tell me she would do all the pain and suffering again just to be able to see all the people in her life and tell them what she wanted to say. That got me thinking. I would much rather know that in 2 years I’m going to die, then to not know and die in 2 years.
By knowing when I would expire, when the last breath would leave my lungs. By knowing this, I would have the power and the control. Now yes I know live each day to the fullest. Tell the people you know how you feel. Well maybe not Frank in accounting that he’s a dick. But other than that tell the people In your life what they mean to you.
If your a subscriber check out how this story ends, if not skip your bagel today and sign up for Coil HERE. So many great creators to browse and you also get to check out Cinnamon Video !!
Thank you for reading ❤️ Until the next one
Well as always I’m crazy busy at work, crazy at home doing some renovations. Kids back to school, life is crazy !! So much going on and my creative mind has seemed to take an all inclusive holiday to Mexico and left me here to do the dirty work. While my mind is sipping margaritas, I’m here trying to put thoughts to text. I think of a story from my youth and get 300 words in and shelf it as I don’t like it. I don’t like the story. I don’t like the wording. I just don’t like it, really I’m not sure why but they just don’t seem worthy enough. Again, I have no idea why I think this because they are funny stories. I have a handful of blogs at the 250-300 word mark and none of them I feel I want to share, yet. Works in progress so to speak. I have a pass the blog story that really was going well but I’ve come to a road block on it aswell.
Ok, so after 6 months of blogs at a fairly consistent pace of 4-5 per week, this is my longest stretch (4 days) with out a post. I’m at a blog road block. Shop Saturday came and went and nothing. I have ideas but again I need to be alone for filiming. My mind won’t let me do it if anyone is with in ear shot. Damn stutter 🤬
I have an impassable mountain of jumbled up thoughts in my brain. Well what does any one do for answers when they don’t have them ? Easy, Google it of course?? Da......
I search all kind of blog topics, surely this will be the flint to my steel and get my fire burning. I mean the internet can diagnose any medical condition with 100% accuracy, why can’t it give me 1 blog idea 💡
So the search begins:
Well that was disappointing. Nothing came of that mind numbing hours of googling, still I sit and stare off into space and the clock ticks away. Have I dried up ? Is 140 stories my limit? Work is driving me crazy at the moment and that could be blocking my creative brain from waking up.
The creative brain and the effects of over working a creative mind. Working more, is not working smarter. Alex Soojung, in his radical book titled, Rest, jumped inside our minds, inside the creative mind. Working better means working less and resting more. As he describes the daily routines of Charles Darwin and Charles Dickens who both worked a maximum of five hours a day to allow plenty of time for rest and recharge.
The brain needs rest to be at its best, as does your body. To much pressure on the mind and body doesn’t speed up your productivity, it actually slows it down. Generation Z humans just jumped for joy at this 5 hours a day max work day. All the new age companies out there that let you rest when you want, are they really on to something ?? It truly sounds like they are..... But rest means just that, rest ! Not watching Netflix or searching the internet. Even where you’re staring into space, zoning out so to speak,our brain consumes only slightly less energy than it does when you’re working or problem solving. Another article I read said that, through rest and only rest new parts of our brains are switched on, so to speak, these parts are responsible for breaking down mental blocks and creatively thinking. We need to rest to ignite our creative mind.
Finding the road block impassable? This is not just for blogging but anything creative really. According to my research, one thing that works really well is doing anything creative in the early morning, our brains are restful and relaxed. Soojung describes another method and it is called Deep play. Deep play, is your subconscious mind keeps working in the back ground while you do a stimulating puzzle , crossword or other kind of game stimulating brain activity. It rests the creative part of the brain well keeping it powered on.
In a world where A.I and automation are supposedly making our lives easier. We are at a time in history that humans are working more than ever. Cell phones have given us 24/7 Availability.
Thank you for reading ❤️ Until the next one
-80’s Gadget
Thanks for reading ❤️ Untill the next one
What is this about you ask? Well it’s a little exercise of sorts. Kinda like a game of hot potato, maybe I should have called this hot potato 🤔 I’ll leave it as pass the blog or PTB. What I’m going to do is start a story, this story will have ten chapters or ten contributors I should say. Ten seems like a good number 🤷🏻♂️
I will write chapter one, which I haven’t finished it yet, but shortly I will. Then I will pass this story on to the next writer of my choosing and they will take my story and build out his or her chapter two. After this person is complete there chapter they will pass this on to some one else of there choosing and so on.
Who ever is involved?? No one knows who will be passed this story. When the story gets passed to you do as you wish with the story, no rules at all, kill off characters, drop a nuke for nuclear winter, skip ahead 400 years or back 10,000, end your chapter on a cliff hanger for the next person to Elaborate on. I think this will be fun and maybe draw new people to reading some of our other posts and creators.
A few guidelines :
🔹 Rules ? There are no rules, when you get the story it is yours to do as you wish, what ever you wish.
🔹As there is only 10 chapters, the person who gets chapter 9 will be passing the story on to the person that will tie it all together and end the story, so choose wisely everyone 😊
🔹At the end of every chapter, if I could ask the creator would put a link to the next chapter when that creator posts it. So when someone reads chapter one the link will take them to chapter two and the coil of that creator. Chapter two will have a link to chapter three and that creators Coil and so on.
🔹 Your chapter could even jump platforms, maybe jump to cinnamon video for an animated portion or live action?
🔹 Oh one last thing ..... Have fun !!
Having readers jump from chapter to chapter, or creator to creator. Is a great way to spread some Coil and maybe cinnamon video love, But What happens if someone denied the honour of getting to be 10% contributor to this amazing story? Well I guess a new person will be chosen. I hope everyone can have fun with this. I know I will.
Thanks for reading ❤️ Until the next one
Speeders ?? What’s you hurry ?? I do the speed limit in my lane. Minding my own business, enjoying my ride into work. You, weaving in and out of traffic like a maniac. Speeding up, slamming on yur brakes, cutting over into the other lane like your a doctor rushing to save JFK’s life.
Oh but what’s this.... a red light up a head and when I reach the red light, that you’ve been at for 3 min, you know what I see ? I see you 1 car infront of me. You made no gain on me by driving erratic. I’m peacefully driving and enjoying it while I drink my coffee and listen to the radio.
And if you don’t ...... I will see you at the next light.
My favourite blog has changed for this month again .... check it out !!
Thanks for reading❤️ Untill the next one
It’s Shop Saturday time again. I’ve been crazy busy and been lacking on my videos, I apologize for that. Another thing that’s been hard is with my speech HERE, I have a hard time doing a video if others are around so I need to be the only one here or a closed set of you will. Yes I’m that famous and I even get a bowl of just red M&M’s, that is if I have time to pick out all the other colours ... which I have not. Really your very lucky I’m doing this video as my production team better get their shit together for the next video. 🤣🤣
Today I’m doing a drywall repair called a California Patch. Normallly with a repair in drywall you would put in backing , cut drywall piece and install and then put drywall tape on every joint which really builds out the patch which means it’s harder to hide.
Thanks for reading and watching ❤️