
Investing in digital assets , just started blogging about me , my life , ups and downs ... LIFE......

How can you tell a want from a need or need to? Everything I do I try to ask my inner self, do I want to or do I need too ?? I try very hard to do things because i want to but, some things I need to do. Being in construction I feel my skills are taken advantage of more often than not. I feel bad enough charging anyone but it takes time away from my daily time with my family. So I ask my self

Do I want to help a friend for free ?

Do I want to help a friend . Period?

Do I want to take on this job?

In my mind I think I need to help

I’ve built my fair share of kitchens, bathrooms, basements and garages for free.... it’s not fair to my family I know this. I find it hard to say no , which is a huge fault of mine.

Work is getting daily mundane and repetitive, work is a need too. Some times I want to, I do really enjoy my job, mostly. There are days that it’s more of a need to. I hope to work because I want to, to find a passion that I really enjoy again. For instance I really want to build steel and wood furniture, that’s what I want to do, but the need is not that. When XRP or any other of my DA’s take off, I know what I’m doing. That spark that’s drives me again that’s what I need, YES NEED.

I used to want to work, I would work 16 hrs a day because I wanted too. Now I feel a struggle to work 6 hours, lately it’s been crazy at work. Maybe this work hate is coming from not having any days off in summer. I need a break, It’s September 1st and I think I’ve only had maybe 4-5 days off in 10 weeks ...... It’s kind of driving me crazy. And then yesterday I show up on site to inspect someone’s work before they get paid and this is what I see 😔 👇🏻

The brick work had to be taken down so all the rot could be fixed as nothing was flashed properly so the water damage was horrendous. So the brick was reinstalled and this is what I come to find. The brick is out of level by 1.5 inches. Are you kidding me ? So today this will be torn out and redone by our brick guy, who normally does incredible work. Everyone is allowed a bad or off day I guess. Funny thing, when I asked him about it he said

“Oh ya I noticed that but it must have been like that before , so I left it”

Are you kidding me ?

Some of this spark at work is dying, work is turning into a need and that’s not good. I feel that spark with Coil. A “want” is out of passion, out of love or caring, it comes from the warm place in the heart ... A “need” is from a darker place, something forced, something your made to do. In my life I’m enjoying the wants more than the needs and I’m sure I’m not alone.

All my blogs and posts that I write are from the warm place in my heart, the place that wants to share, that wants to write, that wants to create. I don’t have to write, if I had to do it I really don’t know that I could ?

If your a subscriber check out how something that has me a little worried, if not skip your bagel today and sign up for Coil HERE. So many great creators to browse and you also get to check out Cinnamon Video !!

But as always, thank you for reading ❤️


This is a little tip I learned from my father-in-law Larry. Over 20 years ago and I still use it all the time. Saved me hours of work countless times. Please have a look at the cinnamon video. 👇🏻👇🏻




⬅️SHOP SATURDAY- this old house


Some days I love my job and other days ..... OTHER DAYS, really make me question why I do it. Long hours, fighting with subtrades, babysitting everyone. I can’t leave for two min before I get a phone call asking me a question.

These are grown adults in the industry for years, older than me even and can’t solve a problem and think outside the box even once🤬🤬

Another relatively new problem in the construction industry is cell phones. Cell phones ? But they make our lives so easy !? Your right they do but people expect you to answer any time of day that they call. If you try to ignore them they get pissed off because they know you are on your phone. But “office” hour’s are 7:00am- 500pm ???


But this is a different grind my gears post.

That job I’m on, that I can’t talk about the owners or show there house. The one that had the shitty contractor and wrecked the house, left it for us to pick up the pieces... YA, You know that one...

Well him and his family are truly incredible kind and generous people. They have Sea-Doo’s and a boat, not just any boat a MASTERCRAFT with only 12 hours on it. It’s a beautiful sight to see, sadly that’s all I would ever be able to do is see it. The cost of this boat after modifications is almost $300,000 😱 , well out of my budget, my budget is more like this:

So the clients let us take it out any time we want, Sea-doo’s, wakeboard’s and this beautiful boat. That’s just amazing, this is one great perk.

Today... I LOVE MY JOB ❤️ , truth be told 90% of my job ain’t too bad 😉.

Check out this cinnamon video of our little adventure on the lake , hard to tell on the video but we were doing 70 MPH. This boat can really move , over 600hp . I had to hold my phone with two hands for fear it would blow right outta my hands 🤣. WOW ! this was fun 👇🏻










Have you ever remembered something and swore that you are right ? Have you ever watched a movie and weeks after there’s a scene that your positive on what the words were, People post the same words on social media and that solidify’s in your mind that your right ? Well there’s a little know effect, called the Mandela Effect, along the lines of false memories. False memories are just when one person remembers a chain of events that didn’t happen, this is more of a collective false memories were a group of people remember the same events.

“There are three sides to every story: your side, my side, and the truth.”

- Robert Evans

The Mandela Effect occurs when a large group of people believe an event occurred when it did not. How did it get it’s name ? You guessed it Nelson Mandela. Fiona Broome, talks about how she remembered the former South African President Nelson Mandela dying in the 1980’s in jail, she could in detail describe news coverage of his death and even his widow’s speech on tv about his death. Yet NONE of it happened, Mandela lived till 2013. The funny thing is that she is not the only one that remembers this version of what happened ? The event never happened this way, most people relize this. So strange how she wasn’t the only one who felt like it did. As a result, the Mandela effect term was coined. It has many names false memories. Honest lying, you really aren’t lying you truly believe what you saw. If you were given a lie detector test you would pass with flying colours.

Many believe this is proof of other realities in our own dimension. I don’t know if I’d go that far but it’s very interesting none the less.

Some people even say that no planes hit the World Trade Center Towers. And many people believe they saw just that, explosions in the towers but no planes? Even first responders say that there were no planes ??

Can you tell when you have false memories, where your recall of an event isn’t really what happened ? The only way is really confirm it with research and maybe talking to other people that were at the event or movie ect. One of the problems with asking other people is that people tend to confirm what another person says is true. This is very true, try it some time. It’s all about how you ask the question. So if I say to you a leading statement like “the car that just drove by was blue, right” people will agree with that statement if they aren’t sure or, didn’t see the car. Shockingly, people want to be agreeable. Where as if I say “what color was the car that drove by?” You will get a more honest answer this way.


In movies the Mandela Effect happens aswell,

Remember that glorious scene from empire strikes back, Darth Vader and Luke Skywalker are fighting and Darth turns to Luke and says-

“Luke, I am your father”

I know ! Me too but that’s not the line, hundreds of thousands of people recall that as what Darth Vader says but it’s not correct. Check out this short clip, Even James Earl Jones, the voice of Vader remembers it as the above mentioned line. It was actually “No, I am your father”


If your a subscriber check out more examples from pop culture and movies, if your not a subscriber skip your bagel today and sign up for Coil HERE. So many great creators to browse and you also get to check out Cinnamon Video !!

I’ll leave you with a Mandela quote if your not a subscriber.

But as always, thank you for reading ❤️


The human body really is incredible, the things that our bodies do on a daily basis is phenomenal. Most of the magic happens with out us knowing anything is going on. I run down the street and my mind tells my body what to do, it just knows. I don’t need to tell myself to blink or breath. The body just does it, something else that’s never seen or heard, never told what to do ..... The immune system, it protects your body from harmful substances, germs and cell that could make you ill. It is made up of various organs, cells and proteins.

Your immune system, when running smoothly, you don’t notice that it’s there protecting your body from attacks. But if it stops fighting because it’s weak or can't fight particularly aggressive germs, you get sick. Germs that your body has never encountered before are also likely to make you ill. Like chicken pox, some germs will only make you ill the first time you come into contact with them.

I dunno if this is true 👇🏻 But I like it 😊

When these germs known as antigens enter our bodies they attach to special receptors on the immune cells. This causes a whole series of events in the body, like a series of dominoes, a chain reaction starts and our body fights. Once the body has come into contact with a germ or vaccine for the first time, it stores information about the foreign material and how to fight it. When/if it comes into contact with the germ again, it recognizes the germ immediately and can start fighting right away.

So what happens if we no longer have contact with seasonal bugs and daily germs ? Does our body still have a good immune system or does this weaken our fighting anti bodies? In our new world masks and hand sanitizer are our new daily reality that we all face. I will always suggest washing your hands for 20 seconds over using a hand sanitizer, they are just so convenient to have. And right now masks are a must!

While research suggests our immune system is influenced by both the environment and exposures to germs. All this happens before we are born or during early childhood. As we grow up, our immune system grows up with us. At the age of 7-8 our immune system is full grown so to speak and the influences or germ contacts become less and less profound. Which means as adults our immune systems don’t naturally fluctuate too much. Obviously with diseases, yes it does.

The concerns over being too clean stem from a theory first introduced in the 1980s based on research that children who are kept in very clean environments have a higher rate of hay fever, asthma and a wide range of other conditions. The study was saying over all they had a lower immune system if they weren’t exposed to dirt and germs, which is found to be FALSE. So don’t worry that masks and all this sterilization will make us get sick easier, because it won’t. If that were true than doctors would be sick non stop and have the lowest immune systems of us all, with there work always in such a sterile environment.

Now yes, environment does play a role on a developing immune system in a infant or child but don’t worry about it. Use common sense, excessive cleanliness to the point of obsessive compulsion is probably not a good idea, that being said don’t let him build sand castles in the family cats litter box either.

In many articles I’ve read there is no magic pill or herb to boost your immune system. So many things claim to boost your immune system, so does that mean they are all lying just to get money ?? No that can’t be it ...... So the best way naturally is a good diet and rest are the best ways to keep your body at its peak. Don’t let your body become run down from lack of sleep or over worked. I say this to the kids all the time:

Do what I say, not what I do !

I am a bad example of this advice. But even though I rarely get a cold or get sick and I’m pretty hard on my body . I still have a high immune system. Thank you body, I will treat you better. But I do firmly believe a positive mind makes a happy body. Mind over matter so to speak, I really have a positive attitude and outlook on life. If your body and mind are run down you will be more likely to catch colds and flus.

If your a subscriber check out a little extra on hand sanitizer and how washing your hands with a good soap is the way to go. But if not a Coil subscriber, what are you waiting for skip your bagel today, try it for a month..... sign up for Coil HERE. So many great creators to browse and you also get to check out Cinnamon Video !!

But as always, thank you for reading ❤️


When I was a little boy, around the same time as My Precious, the houses across the street from us backed a creek and there was a hill. The hill was not that large, last time I checked it out about 10 years ago on a holiday back home to Winnipeg. Now me, being only 5 at the time It seemed like Mount Everest.

We would have a big community winter BBQ every year. Roast wieners and marshmallows on the fire, sit around in snow chairs carved out of the frosty cold white stuff. There was games and friendly family competitions. One year was a year I would never forget.

This one year It was particularly crazy cold, it would freeze the nuts off a moose. It was a crazy cold year but being crazy Canadians we still had our winter carnival. The pond was frozen over and the fresh snow was scraped clean. Kids and parents alike could ice skate till they got too cold, then would skate over to 1 of 5 big steel drums cut out into a make shift fire barrel to warm up their frozen appendage’s.

My sister and I just got a large wooden toboggan for Christmas from Santa that we were dying to try out. We would go down the hill like a rocket, almost as if we had Clark’s special lubricant from National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation.

Then after our rocket toboggan ride, we hike back up and do it again and again. I would run and warm up by the fire. My mom would cool me a hot dog, squeeze ketchup on it and pass it to me

“here you go Gordie, don’t spill”

“ I know mom, I’m always careful”


My sister and I must of went down the hill a 1000 times, well, probably 20... But felt like a 1000 ! We would play pin the tail on the abominable snow man that one of our neighbors carved out of snow. Neither of us could get it but I really wanted that pack of sour candies SO bad.

Late in the day, by this point I’m cracked out on sugar I’m sure. I was waiting for my mom to cook me a S’more and wandered over to another barrel to warm my hands. Well I wasn’t paying attention like I should ... POOF and my fluffy mittens go up in flames.

If your a subscriber check out how this hot story ends, if not skip your bagel today and sign up for Coil HERE. So many great creators to browse and you also get to check out Cinnamon Video !!

But as always, thank you for reading ❤️




I will create at my own pace,

For this is MY safe space.

I can’t create everyday,

For those that do it’s completely okay.

My posts is all I can do,

No one can judge me .... not even YOU.

Weekly posts of Four to five,

That’s all I can do and it’s my jive.

I’m on Cinnamon Video, expanded my reach,

A surprising thing happend, it helped my speech

I am telling my life’s story,

Sad , mad and all it’s glory

@mommaleelee is my wife,

She was the missing piece to my life.

With her as my wife and two little ones,

Four of us in life’s battle, nothing can’t be done

I will not compete with Tom, Dick and Harry,

Please read my first blog Jerry Jerry Jerry

I write for me and my mental health,

I am not here for riches or bountiful wealth .

Well, not entirely true,

I’m here for XRP as are you.

I’m not a moon boy, head wrapped in foil,

I’m just a guy, read why I started to blog on Coil

I’m excited when my Coil Family does well,

I shout from the roof tops, I scream, I YELL.

My catch phrase is CHECK IT OUT,

If you haven’t heard it, I scream and shout !

I compete with not a single person, no one,

In my heart of hearts WE have already won.


With this final statement this blog is complete




Well another week has started, Monday’s are by far the most hated day of the week, five more days till the weekend. As you read this blog and sit in your office chair.... or maybe not, maybe because of lock down, your sitting at home in your bed flipping through your iPhone.

I realize some things are out of our control, 2020 being one of these things. What a crazy year it has been. Almost 4 more months till 2021, I for one, am looking forward to it.

Let’s take a look at why Monday’s really do suck. Many scientific reasons are backing up our claim that Monday’s are the worst day. On this day heart attacks and strokes are higher than on any other day of he week. Actually your more likely to catch a cold on a Monday as well. So watch your masks and hand sanitizer today more than ever.

But why are you more likely to get sick on a Monday ?? Well research has found your sleep deprived on a Monday.

You are actually more sleep deprived on a Monday than you were on the Friday, go figure. Yes, according to research that extra sleep just makes you more tired at the start of the week, it can throw your body clock off by up to 1 hour This makes it even harder to get up on a Monday morning, even though you would think you would be well rested since you slept in and got “caught up” over the weekend on precious sleep. If you’ve ever delt with a time change in spring or fall, you know the havoc time change can have on the body.

Over the weekend we tend to over indulge on things we normally wouldn’t. Food, alcohol, fatty greasy foods, staying up late ect. Come Monday our body’s are sluggish from our weekend choices that takes a toll on our bodies and our minds. When polled, men and women, both said they feel less attractive on Monday’s. So all this sleeping in, not going to the gym and change in routines is hard on your body. Feelings of depression and anxiety can start on Sunday night and carry over to Monday.

With my research I found this next stat. I was shocked to read that In a poll 70% of people hate their job. SEVENTY PERCENT! So having to go back to work on Monday can really affect your mood if you hate your job. This explains all the shity service you receive on a Monday.

So people hate there jobs, why not look for a new one. Well Monday’s are good for that too, get your resume done up today. So you can drop it off Tuesday, the highest rate of new job applications submissions are on a Tuesday. 37% of the people pick a Tuesday over any other day of the week to apply for a new job.

If your a subscriber check out how this break down on Monday’s end, if your not a subscriber, skip your bagel today and sign up for Coil HERE. So many great creators to browse and you also get to check out Cinnamon Video !!

But as always, thank you for reading ❤️